Research of gastight quality for controlled atmosphere storage 果蔬气调贮藏库气密性探讨
Study on controlled atmosphere storage of winter - date 渔船用吸附式制冰系统的模拟仿真以及试验
Technology of controlled atmosphere storage and fresh - keeping of fragrant pear of kuerle 库尔勒香梨气调贮藏保鲜技术
Therefore , it is only when a fit controlled atmosphere storage was designed that the problem of fruit and vegetable storage could be solved 因此,研制、设计和开发适合我国国情的气调库,对解决我国果蔬贮藏保鲜问题具有重要的现实意义。
Over the past few years , a plenty of money has been spent in importing mechanical refrigerator instruments , and more than one hundred controlled atmosphere storages have been built in our country 20世纪80年代,我国耗资数亿元从国外购进成套机械制冷设备,先后修建了100多座气调冷藏库。